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ustom Draw ListView Controls, Part I
Roger Onslow (view profile) April 13, 2001 |
The first is the most extreme. You handle the WM_PAINT messages and do all the painting yourself. You get no help at all from Windows with this method. You have to create a device context, determine where and how big your control is, what state it is in, and then draw it all yourself. Most programmers tend to shy away from this.
Owner-draw (or self-draw) controls are a little easier. Here, Windows sets up the device context for you. It also fills in a structure that gives you the rectangle that the control occupies, the state the control is in, and flags to say how much drawing you need to do. You still need to do all the drawing yourself, but with all this information handed to you, it is not such a chore. In particular, for controls like list boxes and ListView controls, Windows will go line by line through the control and ask you to draw each individual item; you don't need to know how to draw the entire control. To make things easy for owner-draw control writers, Windows also provides special drawing functions, like DrawFrameControl. Owner-draw is available for static, button, combo box and list box controls, but not for edit controls. It is also available for the ListView and Tab common controls. However, for ListView controls, owner draw only works in report mode and you have to draw the entire item (including all the sub items) in one go.
For Windows standard controls (buttons, edit boxes etc), one can also use the WM_CTLCOLOR family of notification messages to make some simple changes, usually just to the colours used. Windows sends WM_CTLCOLOR messages during the actually painting cycle of the control to give you the chance to make changes to the device context and nominate a brush to use for the background. You are somewhat limited in what you can do here, but the big advantage is that the control still does most of the work itself; you do not need to tell it how to draw itself. However, these messages are only available for the standard Windows controls; the Window Common controls do not support WM_CTLCOLOR.
Custom draw lets you hook into the paint cycle of the control in one or more stages of the drawing process. At each draw stage you can make changes to the drawing context and choose to either do your own drawing, let the control do the drawing, or combine the two. You also get to control what further notifications you will receive during the paint cycle.
If you do handle the message, you have a chance to do a bit of painting yourself if you want. You can then set a flag in the return result that says whether you want the control to do its default painting; you usually will. You can also set flags to say whether you want to receive further notifications. You can ask the control to send you a WM_CUSTOMDRAW notification for the CDDS_POSTPAINT draw stage when the control has finished drawing (you can then do some extra drawing yourself). You can also say that you want to get notifications for the CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT draw stage for each item drawn.
Similarly, when you get each WM_CUSTOMDRAW notification for the CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT draw stage, you can set up the colours to use, make changes to the device context including font changes, and maybe do some drawing yourself. You can then say whether you want the default painting for the item and whether you want to receive a CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT when the item drawing is finished.
If you are in report mode, you can also ask for individual notifications for each subitem. These have the draw stage set to (CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT | CDDS_SUBITEM), and again you can fiddle with the device context, do your own drawing and/or let the control do some drawing and optionally receive a (CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT | CDDS_SUBITEM) drawing stage message at the end of each subitem.
NOTE: subitem notifications are only available for custom controls V4.71 (that is, for IE4.0 or Windows 98) or later, so please ensure that you check the version of COMCTL32 you have on your machine if you intend to use custom draw controls.
Here is a diagram showing the general flow of NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification messages for a list control with two items, each with two sub-items (columns):
The price one pays for this flexibility is some complexity in writing the handler for the NM_CUSTOMDRAW. All the various drawing stages come through the one handler. It has to understand how to behave for each of the draw stages, extract the required information from the NMLVCUSTOMDRAW struct, and set the correct flags so that it receives subsequent notification messages correctly.
But things are more complicated than this. Some of the information in the NMLVCUSTOMDRAW struct is only relevant during certain draw-stage notifications. For example, Windows only sets the iSubItem value for the sub items notifications; it has rubbish values for the other notifications message. Similarly, Windows only fills in the RECT in the struct with valid values for some draw stages (depending on the version of common controls you have). Experimental evidence shows that even this is not completely correct; in fact only some of the values are valid during some drawing stages and others are not.
To ease the burden on the working class programmer, I have written a class called CListCtrlWithCustomDraw that does a lot of the housekeeping work for you, and uses simple virtual functions that you can override to provide the functionality you require. You do not need to worry about setting the correct flags, or unpacking information from structures and so on. In my next article, I'll present not only this example code, but I'll also walk you through the specifics on how exactly it all works.
Custom Draw ListView Controls, Part II
Custom Draw
Windows common controls add yet another method of customising called custom draw. This is different to owner draw, although some programmers confuse the two. It is available for ListView, TreeView, ToolTip, Header, TrackBar, Toolbar and Rebar controls.
NM_CUSTOMDRAW Notifications
When the control first starts to paint itself, in response to a WM_PAINT, you receive a NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification message, with the draw stage set to CDDS_PREPAINT. If you don't handle this yourself that will be the end of it, as the default message handler will just tell the control to carry on with default drawing and not to interrupt you again.
Why Custom Draw
OK. That's a lot of notification messages. But what's in it for me? Well, lets compare the advatnages of custom draw over owner draw for ListView controls:
Owner Draw
Custom Draw
Only works with report-view style
Works for any style
Must do all the drawing yourself
Can choose you own drawing, default drawing of combinations of both. You can also change colours and fonts for default drawing.
Must draw the entire line (including subitems) in one go
Can handle sub items individually
Roger Onslow (view profile)
April 13, 2001
The next step is to add a handler for the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification message. Usually, to add a handler, one can simply right-click on CListCtrlWithCustomDraw in the class view, or use the WizardBar, and "Add windows message handler." However, this time there is a catch. NM_CUSTOMDRAW is nowhere to be seen in the list of available messages.
Well, it looks like the wizard is not going to do the job this time. However, we can get it to help. I find the easiest way to add a handler is to pick a similar message and then edit the resultant code. Even though the Wizard did not know about the message in the first place, it will quite happily work with the modified handler that results. In this case, I used the NM_OUTOFMEMORY. However, in order to reduce the amount of editing needed, I changed the name of the handler function to "OnCustomdraw".
Now you can dive into the generated source code and manually edit the message map in the source file and change: to read: When you look at the resulting OnCustomdraw function there are two arguments: pNMHDR and pResult. pResult is where we will set the flags that indicate when we want further custom draw messages and whether or not to use the default painting. For a List View control, the pNMHDR is actually a pointer to a NMLVCUSTOMDRAW structure (notification message for ListView custom draw) that tells us about the current drawing stage, what item or subitems we are looking at, and so forth. We could edit the function declaration so it passes a NMLVCUSTOMDRAW*, but instead we can safely cast the pNMHDR from NMHDR* to NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* to give access to the data, even though these are distinct and separate structures.
As an aside, those from a C++ background may ask why NMLVCUSTOMDRAW does not simply derive from NMHDR in the first place. Well, that sort of thing just does not happen in the Windows SDK API. Because Microsoft designed the SDK API to work with both C and C++, it cannot use any C++ specific language features. That means all the structures in the SDK are PODs (plain old data structures) with no member functions, inheritance, and so on.
But all is not lost.
To get a similar effect to inheritance the SDK uses a C technique; the first member of a 'derived' struct is an instance of the 'base' struct. In this particular case, we have (with simplified declarations): Because NMLVCUSTOMDRAW is a POD, a pointer to a NMLVCUSTOMDRAW is also a pointer to its first member (nmcd), in other words a pointer to a NMCUSTOMDRAW. This in turn is a pointer to the first member of NMCUSTOMDRAW (hdr), which is a NMHDR. Therefore, it is quite legitimate to pass a pointer to a NMCUSTOMDRAW structure using a pointer to a NMHDR and cast it as required. Now, on with the show.
In the OnCustomdraw for CListCtrlWithCustomDraw, I provide a generic handler for custom draw notifications. The bulk of the code is a switch statement on the draw stage we are up to (refer to my previous article). At each of the pre-paint stages, I call virtual functions to get color information, fonts required, and to take over (or augment) the drawing process. I also allow for extra drawing during the post-paint stages. Let's look at the fleshed out OnCustomdraw function for CListCtrlWithCustomDraw: Phew! That's a fair bit of code. The good news? There's less code left for us to write when we derive from CListCtrlWithCustomDraw.
To make this work, those virtual functions need to be defined. The defaults for these functions are to do nothing; so using the CListCtrlWithCustomDraw on its own will work the same as a standard list control. It is only when you derive from this class and override some of the virtual functions that the ListView control changes appearance. If you do not override them, then you get the standard behaviour.
To start with, here are the additions to the class declaration for CListCtrlWithCustomDraw: There is quite a bit of code here as well. Again, there is good new. Each of the virtual functions performs a simple and well-defined task. The OnCustomdraw function does all the housework and ties everything together. Well, that about wraps it up for our CListCtrlWithCustomDraw class. The last step is to derive a class from CListCtrlWithCustomDraw.
Again, we can use the WizardBar to create a new class. And as before it can be done with a little hacking. Start off by defining a class call CMyListCtrl, and say that it is an MFC class derived from CListCtrl. Then edit the .h and .cpp files that are generated, change all occurrences of CListCtrl to CListCtrlWithCustomDraw, and finally add a #include "ListCtrlWithCustomDraw.h" line to the .h file, just before the class declaration. Once you have the skeleton CMyListCtrl, we can override some of the virtual functions to change the appearance of the control. For this example, we will paint the entire control in cyan, and then make the individual cells in the list control alternate in colors to give a checkerboard appearance. OK, it is not very pretty, but it illustrates some of the possibilities.
Here are the virtual functions we will override in CMyListCtrl. And here are their implementations: And remember that overriding IsDraw and OnDraw lets you either draw the entire control yourself or just to do some extra work before the default drawing process. In this case, the OnDraw function fills the control with cyan and then returns false to indicate that we still want the default drawing process to continue If you want to individually change the colors of each cell, override IsNotifyItemDraw and IsNotifySubItemDraw. If you want the sub-items to be custom drawn by returning true from IsNotifySubItemDraw, then you also need to return true from IsNotifyItemDraw. If IsNotifyItemDraw returns false, then there will be no sub-item custom drawing either.
In the TextColorForSubItem, simply do some arithmetic with the item and sub-item number to select either a different color or the default color for the control.
To test this out, add a list control to the main dialog for this application. In the dialog editor, ctrl+double-click on it to associate it with a CMyListCtrl member called m_listctrl., then edit the list control properties in the dialog and set the style to use report view. Then, add some code to the OnInitDialog to define the columns and fill in some data. The result is a dialog with the cyan background and checkerboard. By deriving from ClistCtrlWithCustomDraw and overriding appropriate virtual functions, you can achieve all sorts of result--everything from simple color or font changes to completely drawing all or part of the list control yourself.
typedef struct { HWND hwndFrom; UINT idFrom; UINT code; } NMHDR; typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwDrawStage; } NMCUSTOMDRAW; typedef struct { NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd; COLORREF clrText; } NMLVCUSTOMDRAW;
The CListCtrlWithCustomDraw Class
void CListCtrlWithCustomDraw::OnCustomdraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // first, lets extract data from // the message for ease of use later NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW = (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW*)pNMHDR; // we'll copy the device context into hdc // but won't convert it to a pDC* until (and if) // we need it as this requires a bit of work // internally for MFC to create temporary CDC // objects HDC hdc = pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->nmcd.hdc; CDC* pDC = NULL; // here is the item info // note that we don't get the subitem // number here, as this may not be // valid data except when we are // handling a sub item notification // so we'll do that separately in // the appropriate case statements // below. int nItem = pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->nmcd.dwItemSpec; UINT nState = pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->nmcd.uItemState; LPARAM lParam = pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->nmcd.lItemlParam; // next we set up flags that will control // the return value for *pResult bool bNotifyPostPaint = false; bool bNotifyItemDraw = false; bool bNotifySubItemDraw = false; bool bSkipDefault = false; bool bNewFont = false; // what we do next depends on the // drawing stage we are processing switch (pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: { // PrePaint m_pOldItemFont = NULL; m_pOldSubItemFont = NULL; bNotifyPostPaint = IsNotifyPostPaint(); bNotifyItemDraw = IsNotifyItemDraw(); // do we want to draw the control ourselves? if (IsDraw()) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); CRect r(pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->nmcd.rc); // do the drawing if (OnDraw(pDC,r)) { // we drew it all ourselves // so don't do default bSkipDefault = true; } } } break; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: { // Item PrePaint m_pOldItemFont = NULL; bNotifyPostPaint = IsNotifyItemPostPaint(nItem,nState,lParam); bNotifySubItemDraw = IsNotifySubItemDraw(nItem,nState,lParam); // set up the colors to use pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->clrText = TextColorForItem(nItem,nState,lParam); pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->clrTextBk = BkColorForItem(nItem,nState,lParam); // set up a different font to use, if any CFont* pNewFont = FontForItem(nItem,nState,lParam); if (pNewFont) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); m_pOldItemFont = pDC->SelectObject(pNewFont); bNotifyPostPaint = true; // need to restore font } // do we want to draw the item ourselves? if (IsItemDraw(nItem,nState,lParam)) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); if (OnItemDraw(pDC,nItem,nState,lParam)) { // we drew it all ourselves // so don't do default bSkipDefault = true; } } } break; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT|CDDS_SUBITEM: { // Sub Item PrePaint // set sub item number (data will be valid now) int nSubItem = pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->iSubItem; m_pOldSubItemFont = NULL; bNotifyPostPaint = IsNotifySubItemPostPaint(nItem, nSubItem, nState, lParam); // set up the colors to use pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->clrText = TextColorForSubItem(nItem,nSubItem,nState,lParam); pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->clrTextBk = BkColorForSubItem(nItem,nSubItem,nState,lParam); // set up a different font to use, if any CFont* pNewFont = FontForSubItem(nItem, nSubItem, nState, lParam); if (pNewFont) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); m_pOldSubItemFont = pDC->SelectObject(pNewFont); bNotifyPostPaint = true; // need to restore font } // do we want to draw the item ourselves? if (IsSubItemDraw(nItem,nSubItem,nState,lParam)) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); if (OnSubItemDraw(pDC,nItem,nSubItem,nState,lParam)) { // we drew it all ourselves // so don't do default bSkipDefault = true; } } } break; case CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT|CDDS_SUBITEM: { // Sub Item PostPaint // set sub item number (data will be valid now) int nSubItem = pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->iSubItem; // restore old font if any if (m_pOldSubItemFont) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); pDC->SelectObject(m_pOldSubItemFont); m_pOldSubItemFont = NULL; } // do we want to do any extra drawing? if (IsSubItemPostDraw()) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); OnSubItemPostDraw(pDC,nItem,nSubItem,nState,lParam); } } break; case CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT: { // Item PostPaint // restore old font if any if (m_pOldItemFont) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); pDC->SelectObject(m_pOldItemFont); m_pOldItemFont = NULL; } // do we want to do any extra drawing? if (IsItemPostDraw()) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); OnItemPostDraw(pDC,nItem,nState,lParam); } } break; case CDDS_POSTPAINT: { // Item PostPaint // do we want to do any extra drawing? if (IsPostDraw()) { if (! pDC) pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); CRect r(pNMLVCUSTOMDRAW->nmcd.rc); OnPostDraw(pDC,r); } } break; } ASSERT(CDRF_DODEFAULT==0); *pResult = 0; if (bNotifyPostPaint) { *pResult |= CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT; } if (bNotifyItemDraw) { *pResult |= CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; } if (bNotifySubItemDraw) { *pResult |= CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW; } if (bNewFont) { *pResult |= CDRF_NEWFONT; } if (bSkipDefault) { *pResult |= CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; } if (*pResult == 0) { // redundant as CDRF_DODEFAULT==0 anyway // but shouldn't depend on this in our code *pResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT; } }
protected: CFont* m_pOldItemFont; CFont* m_pOldSubItemFont; // // Callbacks for whole control // // do we want to do the drawing ourselves? virtual bool IsDraw() { return false; } // if we are doing the drawing ourselves // override and put the code in here // and return TRUE if we did indeed do // all the drawing ourselves virtual bool OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/, const CRect& /*r*/) { return false; } // do we want to handle custom draw for // individual items virtual bool IsNotifyItemDraw() { return false; } // do we want to be notified when the // painting has finished virtual bool IsNotifyPostPaint() { return false; } // do we want to do any drawing after // the list control is finished virtual bool IsPostDraw() { return false; } // if we are doing the drawing afterwards ourselves // override and put the code in here // the return value is not used here virtual bool OnPostDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/, const CRect& /*r*/) { return false; } // // Callbacks for each item // // return a pointer to the font to use for this item. // return NULL to use default virtual CFont* FontForItem(int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return NULL; } // return the text color to use for this item // return CLR_DEFAULT to use default virtual COLORREF TextColorForItem(int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return CLR_DEFAULT; } // return the background color to use for this item // return CLR_DEFAULT to use default virtual COLORREF BkColorForItem(int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return CLR_DEFAULT; } // do we want to do the drawing for this item ourselves? virtual bool IsItemDraw(int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // if we are doing the drawing ourselves // override and put the code in here // and return TRUE if we did indeed do // all the drawing ourselves virtual bool OnItemDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/, int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // do we want to handle custom draw for // individual sub items virtual bool IsNotifySubItemDraw(int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // do we want to be notified when the // painting has finished virtual bool IsNotifyItemPostPaint(int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // do we want to do any drawing after // the list control is finished virtual bool IsItemPostDraw() { return false; } // if we are doing the drawing afterwards ourselves // override and put the code in here // the return value is not used here virtual bool OnItemPostDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/, int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // // Callbacks for each sub item // // return a pointer to the font to use for this sub item. // return NULL to use default virtual CFont* FontForSubItem(int /*nItem*/, int /*nSubItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return NULL; } // return the text color to use for this sub item // return CLR_DEFAULT to use default virtual COLORREF TextColorForSubItem(int /*nItem*/, int /*nSubItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return CLR_DEFAULT; } // return the background color to use for this sub item // return CLR_DEFAULT to use default virtual COLORREF BkColorForSubItem(int /*nItem*/, int /*nSubItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return CLR_DEFAULT; } // do we want to do the drawing for this sub item ourselves? virtual bool IsSubItemDraw(int /*nItem*/, int /*nSubItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // if we are doing the drawing ourselves // override and put the code in here // and return TRUE if we did indeed do // all the drawing ourselves virtual bool OnSubItemDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/, int /*nItem*/, int /*nSubItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // do we want to be notified when the // painting has finished virtual bool IsNotifySubItemPostPaint(int /*nItem*/, int /*nSubItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; } // do we want to do any drawing after // the list control is finished virtual bool IsSubItemPostDraw() { return false; } // if we are doing the drawing afterwards ourselves // override and put the code in here // the return value is not used here virtual bool OnSubItemPostDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/, int /*nItem*/, int /*nSubItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return false; }
Using the CListCtrlWithCustomDraw Class
virtual bool IsDraw(); virtual bool OnDraw(CDC* pDC, const CRect& r); virtual bool IsNotifyItemDraw(); virtual bool IsNotifySubItemDraw(int nItem, UINT nState, LPARAM lParam); virtual COLORREF TextColorForSubItem(int nItem, int nSubItem, UINT nState, LPARAM lParam); virtual COLORREF BkColorForSubItem(int nItem, int nSubItem, UINT nState, LPARAM lParam);
bool CMyListCtrl::IsDraw() { return true; } bool CMyListCtrl::OnDraw(CDC* pDC, const CRect& r) { CBrush brush(RGB(0,255,255)); // cyan pDC->FillRect(r,&brush); return false; // do default drawing as well } bool CMyListCtrl::IsNotifyItemDraw() { return true; } bool CMyListCtrl::IsNotifySubItemDraw(int /*nItem*/, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { return true; } COLORREF CMyListCtrl::TextColorForSubItem(int nItem, int nSubItem, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { if (0 == (nItem+nSubItem)%2) { return RGB(255,255,0); // yellow } else { return CLR_DEFAULT; } } COLORREF CMyListCtrl::BkColorForSubItem(int nItem, int nSubItem, UINT /*nState*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { if (0 == (nItem+nSubItem)%2) { return RGB(255,0,255); // magenta } else { return CLR_DEFAULT; } }
m_listctrl.InsertColumn(0,"label",LVCFMT_LEFT,60,0); m_listctrl.InsertColumn(1,"first",LVCFMT_LEFT,40,1); m_listctrl.InsertColumn(2,"second",LVCFMT_LEFT,30,2); m_listctrl.InsertColumn(3,"third",LVCFMT_LEFT,20,3); int row; row = m_listctrl.InsertItem(0,"row1"); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,1,LVIF_TEXT,"aaa",0,0,0,0); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,2,LVIF_TEXT,"bbb",0,0,0,0); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,3,LVIF_TEXT,"ccc",0,0,0,0); row = m_listctrl.InsertItem(1,"row2"); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,1,LVIF_TEXT,"AAA",0,0,0,0); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,2,LVIF_TEXT,"BBB",0,0,0,0); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,3,LVIF_TEXT,"CCC",0,0,0,0); row = m_listctrl.InsertItem(2,"row3"); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,1,LVIF_TEXT,"X",0,0,0,0); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,2,LVIF_TEXT,"YY",0,0,0,0); m_listctrl.SetItem(row,3,LVIF_TEXT,"ZZZ",0,0,0,0);
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