티스토리 뷰

Homepage : http://psychtoolbox.org/HomePage

* Requirements : the latest 32 bit version of Matlab.
     * MacOS : Matlab version R2010b and later will not work /* damn! that's my version */
     * Windows : if you use Matlab 7.4 (Release 2007a) or later, you may need to install some MS Visual C runtime libraries.

/* now I'm working on Windows-7, Matlab 2011a 32bit */

* To install the tool box you need SVN installed. Download

* Follow the instructions : http://psychtoolbox.org/PsychtoolboxDownload#hn_Installation_Instructions

+ To manually setup the path type in this.

>> addpath(genpath(fullfile('Y:/Sonification/Toolbox' , 'Psychtoolbox')))

* Tutorials : http://psychtoolbox.org/PsychtoolboxTutorial

/* but it doesn't work at the school computer weird.. I'll test it on my MAC */

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