티스토리 뷰

103.          Blue City Highway had always been notorious for its tight curves and poor roadway visibility, and the accident rate there was generally very high. Last year the highway was redesigned to broaden the curves and improve roadway visibility. Drivers report that they now feel much safer driving on the highway and that the redesign has been a big improvement. But the number of accidents on the highway has not been significantly lower in the six months since the redesign than it was in the six months before the redesign. Therefore, the redesign clearly did not improve the curves and roadway visibility enough to make a difference.

1. The writer assumes that the redesign clearly did not improve the curves and roadway visibility enough to make a difference.

2-1. The reason of the accidents may not be the curves and visibility.
2-1-a. Over speeding and the mass traffic can be the reason.
2-1-b. The environment can be the problem. Wet road, ice, falling rocks.

2-2. The survey of number of accidents can not be the criteria about the efficiency of the redesign.
2-2-a. The total traffic amount should have been provided.
2-2-b. The season can be important, because there will be more accidents in the winter.

3. For these reasons, the assume that the redesign didn't improve the curves and roadway can be false.
3-1. The survey of the drivers show that the redesign made them feel safety, so this indicates that the redesign improved the environment.
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